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Currently there is only support for fltk-1.0.11 and fltk.1.1.0b10. I tried to convince Bill to put it in fltk2 CVS but he was not for that because I have changed Fl_Widget. As current FC++ code can not be changed to be independently distributed for fltk2 I will try to develop new solution for fltk2.
After some test I did I saw that fluid with FC++ support is only 0.8% bigger which is really nothing.

Your compiler should support templates and Borland linking model (g++ supports that). This will not be checked by configure.

As there is small bug in Borland compiler version 0.0.2. is not compatible with it.

For now there is only beta version. I did not find any bugs but I need to make more tests to see how stable it is. If you try it please send me your comments.

Version 0.0.1

for fltk-1.0.11


for fltk-1.1.0b10

FLTK1Callback++-0.0.1.tar.gz - this release was only tested on Linux.

Version 0.0.2

for fltk-1.0.11

This pages are under constant construction. Last change on 21.04.2002.